We want to make this website applicable and useful both for specialists and all those who are interested in information about the Caspian Sea environment. Meteorological, hydrological and other maps of the Caspian region, which are hard to access for the public in other sources, will be placed on this page.
Meteorological maps
Hydrological maps
Wind and mixed waves
Occurrence of swells measuring 5 and more
Wave height
Wave`s field
Mean yearly density of surface seawater
Mean depth of winter vertical convection in the Caspian Sea
Probability of ice occurrence and a chart of ice drifting
Maps of the currents in the Caspian sea
Mean height and period of sea waves observed once in 5 years in January, April, June and October
Mean height and period of sea waves observed once in 10 years in January, April, June and October
Mean height and period of sea waves observed once in 20 years in January, April, June and October
Mean height and period of sea waves observed once in 50 years in January, April, June and October
Mean height and period of sea waves observed once in 5, 10, 20 and 50 years
Height of individual waves observed once in 5 years in January, April, June and October
Height of individual waves observed once in 10 years in January, April, June and October
Height of individual waves observed once in 20 years in January, April, June and October
Height of individual waves observed once in 50 years in January, April, June and October
Height of individual waves observed once in 5, 10, 20 and 50 years